Baa's and Bleat's - The AASRP Podcast
This podcast is sponsored by the American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners. In Season 1, host Dr. Michelle Buckley from Iowa State University will explore dairy goat production by providing insights on improving milk quality and antimicrobial stewardship. Each episode focuses on a different aspect of dairy goat production with guest speakers ranging from veterinarians to farm managers. Questions can be directed to DairyGoatExtension@iastate.edu.Season 1 is also supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Agricultural and Food Research Initiative Competitive Program, Antimicrobial Resistance grant number: 2020-04197. Listeners are encouraged to write to DairyGoatExtension@iastate.edu with questions that were sparked by previous episodes for our content experts to discuss.
Baa's and Bleat's - The AASRP Podcast
Blood Transfusion Basics with Ryan Breuer
Ryan Breuer
Season 3
Episode 7
Join us for a discussion about a study that looks at using bovine blood as an alternative to caprine blood when goats need a blood transfusion.
In this episode we discuss a 2021 paper looking at xenotransfusion between bovines and caprines. This paper is titled Preliminary Investigation of Bovine Whole Blood Xenotransfusion as a Therapeutic Modality fo the Treatment of Anemia in Goats and can be found at
Questions can be sent to Dr. Breuer at rmbreuer@wisc.edu
If your company or organization would like to sponsor an episode or if you have questions about today's show, email Office@AASRP.org